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How to Successfully Collaborate With a New Capital Partner

How to Successfully Collaborate With a New Capital Partner

When an existing business takes on a new capital partner, it gains more than just capital. A new partner can add needed expertise, open the doors to new business relationships and share the burden of day-to-day management. But to make such an arrangement successful,...
4 Tips for Pitching Investors in Today’s Economy

4 Tips for Pitching Investors in Today’s Economy

Read the article in CFO. Any company that intends to grow past a certain point eventually reaches the familiar milestone of pitching to private capital sources in hopes of securing additional funding. Those businesses that tend to be most successful are the ones that...
Who We Helped in 2022

Who We Helped in 2022

At the start of every year, we at Oaklyn Consulting like to look back at the past 12 months to reflect on projects accomplished and lessons learned from our clients. Building on our achievements from 2021, Oaklyn Consulting worked with 34 organizations in 2022 on...
Who We Helped in 2021

Who We Helped in 2021

We learned these 10 lessons from our 30 clients last year and believe they reflect the times: 1. Companies faring well and poorly are evaluating strategic alternatives We worked with 14 clients that came to us with questions about strategic alternatives, because...