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How to Spot Warning Signs that a Deal Is in Danger

How to Spot Warning Signs that a Deal Is in Danger

Read the article in The Middle Market.Bringing an M&A deal across the finish line can be a long and perilous road. No matter how certain a transaction might initially seem, there’s always the possibility that one party can abruptly change its plans and drop out —...

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3 Signs an M&A Deal Is in Trouble

3 Signs an M&A Deal Is in Trouble

Read the article in CFO.Spotting signs of trouble early is critical for CFOs to prevent a deal from derailing. Not every CFO will experience M&A firsthand during their career. But those who do typically find that their existing skillset makes them a crucial asset...

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4 Tips for Pitching Investors in Today’s Economy

4 Tips for Pitching Investors in Today’s Economy

Read the article in CFO.Any company that intends to grow past a certain point eventually reaches the familiar milestone of pitching to private capital sources in hopes of securing additional funding. Those businesses that tend to be most successful are the ones that...

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Resolving Conflicts in a Family Business

Resolving Conflicts in a Family Business

Read the article in Small Business Current.When family members run a business together, the experience often draws them closer, but there are inherent risks as well. Having years of personal history with one’s co-workers can sometimes lead to non-work disputes...

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How To Work Through Conflicts In a Family Business

How To Work Through Conflicts In a Family Business

Creating a family business comes with a lot of positives, as well as a lot of challenges. Here’s how to handle those conflicts as they arise. Thanks to The American Genius for having me! Read the article in PDF.Anyone who’s managed a business with other family members...

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Monty Bruell Interview with Business Radio X

Monty Bruell Interview with Business Radio X

Our Monty Bruell sat down with Business Radio X to discuss succession planning in minority and women-owned businesses. Listen on Spotify or Amazon Music or read the transcript below!INTRO: Broadcasting live from the business RadioX Studios in Atlanta, Georgia, it's...

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Succession Planning for Minority and Female Business Owners

Succession Planning for Minority and Female Business Owners

For the founders of minority and women-owned business enterprises (MWBEs), succession planning takes on a deeper significance. Our Monty Bruell explains in a guest column for Memphis Business Journal. Read the article in PDF.Any entrepreneur approaching retirement has...

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CFO: 1st Time M&A: 3 Challenges CFOs Will Face

CFO: 1st Time M&A: 3 Challenges CFOs Will Face

A CFO can go through an entire career without doing a deal, but when your company puts it on the table, you must be ready. Read my piece for CFO below. Read the article in PDF.CFOs are a source of accuracy within an organization — essential for providing data related...

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The Importance of Legacy for MWBEs

The Importance of Legacy for MWBEs

Our Monty Bruell shared his thoughts on the importance of a succession plan with Minority Business Entrepreneur Magazine. Read the article below Read the article in PDF.As an entrepreneur, you look after the most minute, granular details of every aspect of your...

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CFO: 3 Roles CFOs Must Learn to Be an M&A Player

CFO: 3 Roles CFOs Must Learn to Be an M&A Player

Understand the areas where CFOs can make a meaningful contribution and where they should step back. I enjoyed sharing my thoughts with CFO. Read the article in PDF.CFOs are the truth-tellers of the executive team. They bring facts and certainty to the company’s...

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CFO: 3 M&A Pitfalls CFOs Must Avoid

CFO: 3 M&A Pitfalls CFOs Must Avoid

While the element of risk cannot be completely mitigated, CFOs can sidestep obstacles and keep the M&A process moving toward a positive outcome. Thanks to CFO inviting me to share my thoughts! Read the article in PDF.Deciding to move forward on a company merger is...

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The CEO’s Role in Selling Their Company

The CEO’s Role in Selling Their Company

As an investment banker, I have helped many CEOs and owners sell their businesses. And I have seen a huge difference in the result when a CEO is directly involved in the sales process versus when they are not. Thank you to Small Business Currents for having me! Read...

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Why Some Small Business Owners Are Going Back to Work

Why Some Small Business Owners Are Going Back to Work

For those who’ve become tired of the responsibilities of small business ownership, there’s no shame in seeking out a different opportunity. I enjoyed sharing my thoughts with Boss Magazine! Read the article in PDF.Owning a business has its perks. But the reality of...

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CFO: Five Key Elements of a Successful Investor Pitch

CFO: Five Key Elements of a Successful Investor Pitch

Crafting a solid pitch involves answering the overarching question on investors’ minds: “Why should I believe that this company will make me money?” Here are five elements of a pitch that can build trust with investors and convince them to provide capital. Thanks for...

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CFO Dive: Bankers’ Main CFO Gripe: Lack of Transparency

CFO Dive: Bankers’ Main CFO Gripe: Lack of Transparency

CFOs and their treasurers can get more from their banking relationships if they treat them more as partnerships than customer-seller transactions, banking specialists say. Thanks for the mention, Ted Knutson and CFO Dive! Read the article in PDF.A CFO that was trying...

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CFO: M&A Deal Price: Agreeing to Disagree

CFO: M&A Deal Price: Agreeing to Disagree

Completing a merger or acquisition now could be a lifesaver for some struggling businesses during the current economic climate. For companies in a position to buy, agreeing to disagree on price could allow them to complete a large acquisition during a period of...

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CFO Dive: 5 CFO Tips For Tapping Today’s Abundant Capital

CFO Dive: 5 CFO Tips For Tapping Today’s Abundant Capital

Record monetary and fiscal stimulus is flooding markets with liquidity, giving CFOs an unusual opportunity to improve capital structure. Thanks to CFO Dive and Jim Tyson for sharing my thoughts on the current landscape. Read the article in CFO Dive. Read the article...

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CFO: The Decision to Buy or Sell Non-Core Assets

CFO: The Decision to Buy or Sell Non-Core Assets

CFOs can offer their companies valuable insight into where the business can generate value and where things can improve. I enjoyed offering my thoughts to CFO on how business leaders can guide their companies in selling non-core assets or investing in another...

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36|86: Building Relationships with Investors

36|86: Building Relationships with Investors

Thanks to Launch Tennessee for hosting another great year of 36|86, a festival connecting innovators, pioneers, investors and visionaries to shape the business community of the future. A big thanks to all who joined my session on building relationships with investors...

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SmallBizDaily: Offering Entrepreneurs More Than a Checkbook

SmallBizDaily: Offering Entrepreneurs More Than a Checkbook

Entrepreneurs dedicate their entire lives to building their businesses, so when it's time to sell, they're not always going to be interested in the largest sum of money. There are three things they often look for in business offers. I enjoyed sharing my thoughts on...

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CFO: Not All CFOs Can Handle M&A

CFO: Not All CFOs Can Handle M&A

Chief financial officers typically have a large sum of abilities, but expertise of the mergers and acquisitions process is rarely needed in this role, and it can be an expensive skill to hire for. Outsourcing the dealmaking skillset only while it's needed is...

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CFO: How to Prepare for “Crossroads” Situations

CFO: How to Prepare for “Crossroads” Situations

"Crossroads” situations occur when a company needs to make a decisive step forward — but a number of options look equally appealing. In my latest article for CFO magazine, I offer advice on how executives can prepare for "crossroads" situations before they arise. Read...

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