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How to Spot Warning Signs that a Deal Is in Danger

How to Spot Warning Signs that a Deal Is in Danger

Read the article in The Middle Market. Bringing an M&A deal across the finish line can be a long and perilous road. No matter how certain a transaction might initially seem, there’s always the possibility that one party can abruptly change its plans and drop out —...
What to Do When It’s Hard to Sell Your Business (Niche or Not)

What to Do When It’s Hard to Sell Your Business (Niche or Not)

Read the article in The American Genius. There are many hurdles that can arrive when you are trying to sell your business – here are some tips to meet yours and your buyer’s needs. Having a profitable business is no guarantee that you’ll one day be able to easily sell...
3 Signs an M&A Deal Is in Trouble

3 Signs an M&A Deal Is in Trouble

Read the article in CFO. Spotting signs of trouble early is critical for CFOs to prevent a deal from derailing. Not every CFO will experience M&A firsthand during their career. But those who do typically find that their existing skillset makes them a crucial asset...
4 Tips for Pitching Investors in Today’s Economy

4 Tips for Pitching Investors in Today’s Economy

Read the article in CFO. Any company that intends to grow past a certain point eventually reaches the familiar milestone of pitching to private capital sources in hopes of securing additional funding. Those businesses that tend to be most successful are the ones that...
Resolving Conflicts in a Family Business

Resolving Conflicts in a Family Business

Read the article in Small Business Current. When family members run a business together, the experience often draws them closer, but there are inherent risks as well. Having years of personal history with one’s co-workers can sometimes lead to non-work disputes...
How To Work Through Conflicts In a Family Business

How To Work Through Conflicts In a Family Business

Creating a family business comes with a lot of positives, as well as a lot of challenges. Here’s how to handle those conflicts as they arise. Thanks to The American Genius for having me! Read the article in PDF. Anyone who’s managed a business with other family...