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How to Successfully Collaborate With a New Capital Partner

How to Successfully Collaborate With a New Capital Partner

When an existing business takes on a new capital partner, it gains more than just capital. A new partner can add needed expertise, open the doors to new business relationships and share the burden of day-to-day management. But to make such an arrangement successful,...
How to Implement Scenario Planning in Your Business

How to Implement Scenario Planning in Your Business

The events of recent years have underscored the critical need for businesses to be prepared for a variety of challenges. While nobody can envision every potential set of circumstances (looking at you, COVID), many business leaders consider it standard practice to...
Resolving Conflicts in a Family Business

Resolving Conflicts in a Family Business

Read the article in Small Business Current. When family members run a business together, the experience often draws them closer, but there are inherent risks as well. Having years of personal history with one’s co-workers can sometimes lead to non-work disputes...