CEOWorld: When Owning a Company No Longer Fits Your Lifestyle

CEOWorld: When Owning a Company No Longer Fits Your Lifestyle

If your position as business owner is no longer suiting your lifestyle, it may be time to pivot. Thanks to CEO World for having me! Read the article in PDF. As more people are getting vaccinated and fewer COVID-19 cases are being reported, things seem to be getting...
CFO: M&A Deal Price: Agreeing to Disagree

CFO: M&A Deal Price: Agreeing to Disagree

Completing a merger or acquisition now could be a lifesaver for some struggling businesses during the current economic climate. For companies in a position to buy, agreeing to disagree on price could allow them to complete a large acquisition during a period of...
BOSS: How to Finalize an M&A Deal Right Now? Agree to Disagree.

BOSS: How to Finalize an M&A Deal Right Now? Agree to Disagree.

During a period when current revenue might not reflect a business’s true value, disagreement over price can be a roadblock keeping some M&A deals from moving forward. But buyers and sellers trying to make an M&A deal can overcome their difference of opinion...
Who we helped in 2020

Who we helped in 2020

As we all look forward to the possibilities of 2021, it’s tempting not to look back on 2020 at all, happy for it to disappear in the rearview mirror. But sometimes a review can hold helpful lessons. We found that the turmoil of the last year provided opportunities to...