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Resolving Conflicts in a Family Business

Resolving Conflicts in a Family Business

Read the article in Small Business Current. When family members run a business together, the experience often draws them closer, but there are inherent risks as well. Having years of personal history with one’s co-workers can sometimes lead to non-work disputes...
How To Work Through Conflicts In a Family Business

How To Work Through Conflicts In a Family Business

Creating a family business comes with a lot of positives, as well as a lot of challenges. Here’s how to handle those conflicts as they arise. Thanks to The American Genius for having me! Read the article in PDF. Anyone who’s managed a business with other family...
Monty Bruell Interview with Business Radio X

Monty Bruell Interview with Business Radio X

Our Monty Bruell sat down with Business Radio X to discuss succession planning in minority and women-owned businesses. Listen on Spotify or Amazon Music or read the transcript below! INTRO: Broadcasting live from the business RadioX Studios in Atlanta, Georgia,...
Succession Planning for Minority and Female Business Owners

Succession Planning for Minority and Female Business Owners

For the founders of minority and women-owned business enterprises (MWBEs), succession planning takes on a deeper significance. Our Monty Bruell explains in a guest column for Memphis Business Journal. Read the article in PDF. Any entrepreneur approaching retirement...