Every investment banking professional strives to have an active deal pipeline that delivers a surplus of high-quality opportunities. Reaching this level takes time, but can be done by building a solid reputation through consistently excellent work while simultaneously...
Maybe more than anything, an investment banker’s level of success depends on how well-connected they are. Bankers who develop a wide network of referral sources can stay consistently busy on deals that utilize their abilities at their highest level and generate...
For entrepreneurs exploring the business sales process for the first time, the exact role of investment banking in M&A can sometimes seem confusingly unclear. It doesn’t help that professionals who perform similar roles for their clients sometimes have...
Hiring an investment banker isn’t something a person does every day. Statistically, most entrepreneurs sell only one business in their lifetime, often using the proceeds to retire or pursue new opportunities. A business sale is different from selling anything else due...
If you’re a business owner considering the sale of your company, you probably have a lot of questions right now. One big decision you’ll need to make is whether or not to hire an investment banker — but you may not actually know what investment bankers do,...
In investment banking, credibility is everything. If you’ve developed a reputation for successfully executing deals, having deep industry knowledge and being a trustworthy partner, your investment banking expertise might be highly sought after. While it’s great to...
Understanding Business Valuation: Considerations for Potential Buyers
Acquiring a business can drive growth, but overpaying is risky. Accurate valuation is essential, especially for first-time buyers.
Our guide covers key methods like times-revenue and scenario analysis to provide a complete view of a company's worth and potential risks.
Download your free guide today!
Four Things to Consider About a Deal Before Price
When selling a business, price isn't always the most important factor. Business sellers often look for buyers who align with their vision and the company's future potential.
This guide contains four critical factors to consider before focusing on price to get the best outcome.
Download your free copy today.
Negotiating the Best Deal: A Checklist for Business Sellers
Successfully selling a business can be challenging as the process entails careful planning, strategic thinking, and the ability to negotiate effectively to ensure the best deal possible.
Every deal is different, but you can get the best possible outcome by following these five steps.
Download your free copy today.
How Not To Be A Turkey
Closing a deal can often feel like navigating a Thanksgiving family dinner, where everyone has their own agendas and interests.
Without the right strategy, you risk making costly mistakes. So it's essential to arrive at the table well prepared, with all the skills and tools you'll need to have your greatest chance of success.
Download your free copy today.
How to Sell a Business in 5 Simple Steps
There’s nothing simple about selling a business. The road to a successful sale is often rocky, with plenty of detours and wrong turns along the way.
Every journey begins with a first step — and with that in mind, we wrote the five steps on how to sell a business.