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How a Merger Can Strengthen Nonprofits for the Future

How a Merger Can Strengthen Nonprofits for the Future

Nonprofit organizations are embedded in their communities’ cultural fabric, providing a range of needed services that elevate the quality of residents’ lives — from arts and education to health, social welfare, and conservation. Though many people view nonprofits as...
How Business Sellers Can Navigate the Due Diligence Process

How Business Sellers Can Navigate the Due Diligence Process

The term “due diligence” can mean different things in different situations. For a person making a personal purchase, like a used car, performing due diligence might mean researching a model’s safety ratings or getting a mechanic to do an inspection. With mergers,...
How to Implement Scenario Planning in Your Business

How to Implement Scenario Planning in Your Business

The events of recent years have underscored the critical need for businesses to be prepared for a variety of challenges. While nobody can envision every potential set of circumstances (looking at you, COVID), many business leaders consider it standard practice to...
How to Increase Business Value Before a Sale

How to Increase Business Value Before a Sale

Building a business with the goal of selling it can represent the culmination of years of hard work, including long days, tough decisions, and occasional sleepless nights. This hard work translates into a dollar value that, hopefully, makes it all worth it. The final...
How to Navigate Business Debt and Equity Options

How to Navigate Business Debt and Equity Options

When closely held businesses need capital, they generally have two options — getting a bank loan or seeking out private investors. While a loan isn’t going to be a viable solution for every liquidity need a business has, it can be significantly less expensive in the...
Can a Nonprofit be Acquired by a Corporation? 

Can a Nonprofit be Acquired by a Corporation? 

While nonprofits and for-profit companies are normally thought of as existing in separate worlds, their life cycles are quite similar, with comparable ongoing challenges and crossroads moments. When nonprofits reach a pivotal milestone, like the retirement of a...