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Can Your Startup Generate Venture Scale Returns? Check the Math.

Can Your Startup Generate Venture Scale Returns? Check the Math.

My good friend Beezer Clarkson at Sapphire Ventures spots the best articles. This one, by a partner at JME Venture Capital, shows one way for company founders to see their businesses through investors’ eyes. I’ve summarized the article here, so the post is longer than...
Who We Helped in 2016

Who We Helped in 2016

As the holiday season arrives, Oaklyn Consulting is 6 months old. The firm was founded on the idea that we could help more business owners considering mergers, acquisitions or fund-raising in a way that “just don’t do it” stayed on the table as an option. We are...
Four Takeaways for Any Business Owner

Four Takeaways for Any Business Owner

Oaklyn Consulting was honored to sponsor the VentureSouth Summit in Greenville, SC. We took away 4 lessons valuable to both angel investors and business owners at almost any stage of development: Selling a business is just one strategic option for a founder, but it is...
Going Big at BIG Council: An Overview of the M&A Market

Going Big at BIG Council: An Overview of the M&A Market

North Carolina’s BIG Council is known for coordinating must-attend events for regional business owners. I (Frank) took part in a BIG-organized event focusing on strategies to build, scale and monetize a high-performance business. I co-led a presentation with...
6 Ways to Get Your Business in Shape for the New Year

6 Ways to Get Your Business in Shape for the New Year

Near the close of every year, middle-market company owners should be taking stock of recent successes and making plans to enter the new year in the strongest position possible. Whether your business is looking to sell or seeking outside investment for continued...
There is Capital…You Just Don’t Know How to Ask for It

There is Capital…You Just Don’t Know How to Ask for It

When faced with hurdles in obtaining financing, some business owners throw up their hands and conclude there is no capital to access. That’s not true. While investors might be more inclined to say “no” in certain economic environments, there are dollars out there. To...