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How to Sell a Business in 5 Simple Steps: A Guide for SMBs

How to Sell a Business in 5 Simple Steps: A Guide for SMBs

In all honesty, there’s nothing simple about selling a business, whether it’s a family company, an SME, startup, or big enterprise. The road to a successful sale is often rocky, with plenty of detours and wrong turns along the way. There might be a missing...
Takeaways from Axial’s Recent ‘Dead Deals’ Analysis

Takeaways from Axial’s Recent ‘Dead Deals’ Analysis

Those of us who negotiate M&A transactions for, and with, small- to mid-sized businesses know a few hallmarks of the process: For any company, there is a limited universe of buyers. Each buyer’s interest is unique, so average valuations are not reliable...
Who We Helped in 2022

Who We Helped in 2022

At the start of every year, we at Oaklyn Consulting like to look back at the past 12 months to reflect on projects accomplished and lessons learned from our clients. Building on our achievements from 2021, Oaklyn Consulting worked with 34 organizations in 2022 on...
Monty Bruell Interview with Business Radio X

Monty Bruell Interview with Business Radio X

Our Monty Bruell sat down with Business Radio X to discuss succession planning in minority and women-owned businesses. Listen on Spotify or Amazon Music or read the transcript below! INTRO: Broadcasting live from the business RadioX Studios in Atlanta, Georgia,...
CFO: 1st Time M&A: 3 Challenges CFOs Will Face

CFO: 1st Time M&A: 3 Challenges CFOs Will Face

A CFO can go through an entire career without doing a deal, but when your company puts it on the table, you must be ready. Read my piece for CFO below. Read the article in PDF. CFOs are a source of accuracy within an organization — essential for providing data related...