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CFO: Five Key Elements of a Successful Investor Pitch

CFO: Five Key Elements of a Successful Investor Pitch

Crafting a solid pitch involves answering the overarching question on investors’ minds: “Why should I believe that this company will make me money?” Here are five elements of a pitch that can build trust with investors and convince them to provide capital. Thanks for...
CFO Dive: Bankers’ Main CFO Gripe: Lack of Transparency

CFO Dive: Bankers’ Main CFO Gripe: Lack of Transparency

CFOs and their treasurers can get more from their banking relationships if they treat them more as partnerships than customer-seller transactions, banking specialists say. Thanks for the mention, Ted Knutson and CFO Dive! Read the article in PDF. A CFO that was trying...
CEOWorld: Pitching to Investors: 5 Critical Components to Include

CEOWorld: Pitching to Investors: 5 Critical Components to Include

Now more than ever, businesses are seeking capital. How do you break through the competition and present a pitch that resonates with your investors? Thank you to CEOWorld for allowing me to share my thoughts on this timely topic. Read the article in PDF. Most CEOs...
Who we helped in 2020

Who we helped in 2020

As we all look forward to the possibilities of 2021, it’s tempting not to look back on 2020 at all, happy for it to disappear in the rearview mirror. But sometimes a review can hold helpful lessons. We found that the turmoil of the last year provided opportunities to...
36|86: Building Relationships with Investors

36|86: Building Relationships with Investors

Thanks to Launch Tennessee for hosting another great year of 36|86, a festival connecting innovators, pioneers, investors and visionaries to shape the business community of the future. A big thanks to all who joined my session on building relationships with investors...