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Can a Nonprofit be Acquired by a Corporation? 

Can a Nonprofit be Acquired by a Corporation? 

While nonprofits and for-profit companies are normally thought of as existing in separate worlds, their life cycles are quite similar, with comparable ongoing challenges and crossroads moments. When nonprofits reach a pivotal milestone, like the retirement of a...
How to Spot Warning Signs that a Deal Is in Danger

How to Spot Warning Signs that a Deal Is in Danger

Read the article in The Middle Market. Bringing an M&A deal across the finish line can be a long and perilous road. No matter how certain a transaction might initially seem, there’s always the possibility that one party can abruptly change its plans and drop out —...
3 Signs an M&A Deal Is in Trouble

3 Signs an M&A Deal Is in Trouble

Read the article in CFO. Spotting signs of trouble early is critical for CFOs to prevent a deal from derailing. Not every CFO will experience M&A firsthand during their career. But those who do typically find that their existing skillset makes them a crucial asset...
Analyzing Broad vs. Narrow M&A Deal Processes

Analyzing Broad vs. Narrow M&A Deal Processes

We respect the unique M&A market insights that Sutton Place Strategies, an affiliate of Bain & Company, creates from its business development work with PE firms. SPS Founder and CEO Nadim Malik gave a presentation at ACG Boston’s M&A Outlook forum in...
Takeaways from Axial’s Recent ‘Dead Deals’ Analysis

Takeaways from Axial’s Recent ‘Dead Deals’ Analysis

Those of us who negotiate M&A transactions for, and with, small- to mid-sized businesses know a few hallmarks of the process: For any company, there is a limited universe of buyers. Each buyer’s interest is unique, so average valuations are not reliable...
Who We Helped in 2022

Who We Helped in 2022

At the start of every year, we at Oaklyn Consulting like to look back at the past 12 months to reflect on projects accomplished and lessons learned from our clients. Building on our achievements from 2021, Oaklyn Consulting worked with 34 organizations in 2022 on...